The Trail-blazers
in Virtual Healthcare.

We are the premier virtual hospital that provides very affordable and optimal healthcare for everyone for less than a dollar!

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Why Choose Us


At BetaCare, with little as one dollar, you can receive healthcare services from qualified medical practitioners.


We provide a digital space whereby telehealth services can be provided to our customers anywhere in the world.


We collaborate with medical doctors and specialists to deliver high-quality healthcare to everyone, everywhere.

Our Services

At BetaCare we offer a wide range of services

Access to practitioner

Our Doctors and Specilists are available round the clock.

Lab orders and booking

Seemless laboratory booking via the app to reduce Wait Time.

Seemless laboratory booking via the app to reduce Wait Time.

Well equipped ambulance that meets the standards of BCLS.

Seemless laboratory booking via the app to reduce Wait Time.

Well equipped ambulance that meets the standards of BCLS.

With as little as 100 Naira you can receive health tips every day by talking to a doctor for free

Knowledge Hub

Get health tips for free!

July 17, 2022
Healthy fruit you need to always eat.
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July 17, 2022
Live a balance life on the run way.
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July 17, 2022
Stop doing hard drugs.
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